Wednesday 7 May 2014

IG Wyvern built and ready to paint

I've got my Wyvern put together and I've got to say, it's a very nice little kits. I love the look of it and it was a pleasure to put together. My only niggle is that the join between the disc the weapons are mounted on and the support arms is very swallow and sort of results in a bit of wobbly weapon syndrome. Other than that, it's great.

Obviously, I've added track guards which I had to cut down so they didn't interfere with the turret but that was a real easy job with a hobby saw and I definitely it improves the look of it. I also added a bit of battle damage and filled in the side panels so I could do ident patches.  

All I've got to do now is finish of my VL vets (they're half done) and then I can get stuck into it and get it on the table guys!


Monday 28 April 2014

The Corbanian 1st Roll Again

Hey guys, it's been a while ;o)

So, I'm not dead and I've not been absent from the hobby. In fact, I've been really busy doing terrain tutorials on my YouTube channel (TheTerrainTutor) but I've also been busy on the gaming front. I've actually been that busy doing hobby stuff, I've sort of neglected my beloved guard.

Anyway, a friend asked me to build and paint some Deadzone terrain for him, in return I got these goodies...

So I'm feverishly studying and preparing the latest addition to the Corbanian 1st. Have to say, I do like the wyvern model, fits nicely with my guard, anyway, more opinions on the new guard in due course. Obviously, I've been busy on the terrain front, these are some of the pieces I've recently build guys ....

There's more bits on my channel (TheTerrainTutor) if you're interested in terrain but I'll be keep this blog for my guard and Corben's growing ork force.

Glad to be blogging again guys, catch ya soon!
